Calcium hardness and swimming pools pretty much go hand in hand. Whether you are in the Southwest United States, The South or in the Texas area, dealing with calcium and other hardness minerals in our fill/tap water is something you’re going to need to deal with. Most swimming pool owners are aware that the pool needs some calcium hardness to keep the liner intact but with the hardness where it is in the Texas area, it isn’t uncommon to see calcium 5 times or more harder than what is recommended. So, the question becomes when this happens what should you do? This blog post will focus on those questions and it will explain what you can do about it without draining the swimming pool.
About every two years, Weber Pools highly recommends changing out the water in your swimming pool. Even though your water is clear and blue, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t loaded with contaminants and should be changed. The reason why this happens is as water evaporates in your swimming pool, calcium and other hardness minerals remain in solution and gradually increase. Along with calcium hardness you will also notice that total dissolved solids (TDS), cyanuric acid (CYA), salts and phosphates will increase too. At any given time, pool professionals when these levels get too high, will recommend a drain and refill. As much as we would agree that the water needs to be changed, how you do it is what we would like to educate you on. We offer a mobile filtration trailer that comes to your residence or commercial property and we recycle the existing water in the swimming pool. We use Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtration to lower calcium hardness, TDS, CYA, phosphates, waterborne diseases and so much more without draining the swimming pool. The mobile trailer is completely self-contained, which means we run on our own power, it consists of 6 RO membranes to filter the water and two hoses which take water from the swimming pool into the trailer and the other returns the filtered (drinkable) water back to the pool. The following are some of the benefits of using our service:
- We conserve up to 85% of the existing water in the swimming pool
- The liner of the swimming pool is never exposed
- You can swim in the pool while the process is being performed
- We can finish most residential jobs in less than a day
- We give you a better end product than tap water
We’ve been offering this service for about 3 years in the Dallas area. We also travel in Oklahoma as well. So we ask that the next time someone recommends changing out the water in your swimming pool, that you call us instead. You will be much happier with the end product and the environment will thank you too!