by bailiwickmedia | Nov 29, 2016 | Blog
Taking care of a swimming pool can be an extremely tedious task for most people especially when you have to be concerned about multiple bathers in a swimming pool. Whether you are dealing with a swimming pool at a school, water park, hotel, resort, condo or public we... by bailiwickmedia | Nov 22, 2016 | Blog
If you own a swimming pool and live in an area with calcium in your tap water this blog post is going to be extremely informative for you. In the Southwest United States and into the areas of Texas, Oklahoma and beyond we deal with high calcium hardness coming out of... by bailiwickmedia | Nov 8, 2016 | Blog
There are numerous amounts of commercial swimming pools in the Dallas Ft. Worth area. Whether you have an apartment complex, water park, public pool or community swimming pool the importance of keeping it clean and ready to swim in is always the primary goal for any... by bailiwickmedia | Nov 1, 2016 | Blog
How do you feel about your current swimming pool? Are you looking to make an addition this winter or have you even thought about a complete remodel? If so, let us help you! Whether you are looking to refinish your pool, or do a complete remodel or addition, Weber...