Puripool Weber Pools

Don’t Drain Your Swimming Pool, Recycle Instead With Puripool

When it comes to owning a residential or commercial swimming pool, there are many dangers of having high levels of Calcium Hardness (CH) levels in your swimming pool! When it comes to calcium in tap water there are certain places in the country that have much more than others. Dallas and San Antonio are definitely some of them. In those places, the calcium coming out of the tap water is on the higher end of what is recommended for a swimming pool but it’s important to note that swimming pools need a certain amount of calcium to keep the interior finish intact. It is when those levels get too high that challenges occur. For swimming pools, the standard and recommended amount of Calcium Hardness (CH) in the swimming pool industry are between 200 – 400 parts per million (ppm) but in our area, the calcium levels coming out of the tap is 300ppm and higher! The challenges for residential and commercial swimming pool owners is when calcium levels get too high in their swimming pool. When these levels continue to climb scaling occurs on the water tile line, the interior finish, filtration equipment, decorative water features, spillways, and salt chlorinators (if you have one). It can also be challenging to manage the water chemistry too! If you happen to have a saltwater chlorinator, high levels of calcium hardness will prevent it from functioning properly and if any of this occurs it can not only be tough to look out but also expensive to remove. So, swimming pool owners should think about changing out the water in their swimming pools every couple of years!

So what happens when calcium levels get too high? The simple answer is it must be lowered from the swimming pool water. At this point you can choose to drain and refill your swimming pool which takes 2-3 days, it can damage your interior finish and you will be filling it back up with Dallas’s hard water or you can recycle it using The Puripool Process.  At Weber Pools, we offer Reverse Osmosis (RO) mobile filtration to lower Calcium Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Cyanuric Acid (CYA), phosphates, salts, and waterborne diseases without draining the swimming pool. This service puts drinking quality water back in your swimming pool and you can swim in the pool while it is being filtered. Not to mention, we conserve up to 85% of the existing water in the swimming pool which is great for water conservation.

As a residential or commercial swimming pool owner, if you want to swim in the best water quality this summer the answer is simple…. Weber Pools is committed to providing you with not only excellent water quality but also water that is more fun to swim in. If you should have any questions about how our service works, please contact us today!