by bailiwickmedia | Aug 28, 2018 | Blog
Are you the owner of a swimming pool? Do you happen to have a cartridge filter? Is the pressure reaching the cleaning stage (otherwise known as dirty)? Have you ever cleaned them yourself? At Weber Pools, we know cartridge filters are popular but it’s... by bailiwickmedia | Aug 21, 2018 | Blog
What Are The Challenges With Phosphates In Your Pool? Phosphates are a challenge and can be a nightmare in your swimming pool especially if you don’t what they are and how to deal with them. You can’t physically see them, but as their levels increase in... by bailiwickmedia | Aug 14, 2018 | Blog
Calcium Hardness, TDS and CYA levels are important to manage in your swimming pool! When it comes to owning a swimming pool other than keeping it clean and monitoring water chemistry, familiarizing yourself with Calcium Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and... by bailiwickmedia | Aug 7, 2018 | Blog
An Investment In Your Swimming Pool As a residential or commercial swimming pool owner, how do you take care and manage your swimming pool? Are you willing to check the water chemistry regularly, skim the debris out daily if necessary and do all the other things...