Benefits of A DE Filter and How To Backwash Them

How To Add DE To A Pool As a swimming pool owner do you know what type of filter you have? The most common filter found in swimming pools is sand because it is relatively easy to maintain but Diatomaceous Earth (DE) or cartridge can also be found too. In the industry,...

Dealing With High CYA Levels In Your Pool

By far one of the most important chemicals for your swimming pool is chlorine. You must have the proper levels in your residential or commercial swimming pool to keep it clear and free of algae. With that said, the most common chemical used to prevent chlorine loss in...

Cryptosporidium and Swimming Pool Water

Swimming is fun, it’s relaxing, it’s a way to cool off, and it’s great for exercise but did you know it can also be risky? According to the Center of Disease Control (CDC), “493 recreational waterborne disease outbreaks were reported from 2000...