Top Quality Weekly Pool Service in Dallas

Weber Pools is a certified pool operator and holds all required licenses. We work with HOA boards, property managers, city inspectors, and individual homeowners on a daily basis. Because we have such a broad base of experience and have affiliated relationships around...

Thankful For All Our Swimming Pool Trusted Customers

Quality Pool Service in Dallas, Texas! Did you know, Weber Pools has been operating in the DFW area and offering excellent pool service in Dallas TX for over 15 years? Our experienced staff has over 75 years of combined experience in delivering quality innovative...

The Importance of Testing For Calcium Hardness

As a residential and commercial swimming pool owner in the Dallas area, have you ever heard the term hard water before? Do you know what it means and how it affects your swimming pool’s interior finish? Have you taken the time to learn how it will affect your...

Why Recycling Pool Water is The Best Choice

Due to extreme use and our hard water in the Dallas area, it poses numerous problems for residential and commercial swimming pools. Calcium Hardness (CH), Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), and Cyanuric Acid (stabilizer) will rise quickly and make it challenging to take...