Calcium Hardness Test Kits

As a residential and commercial swimming pool owner in the Dallas area, have you ever heard the term hard water before? Do you know what it means and how it affects your swimming pool’s interior finish? Have you taken the time to learn how it will affect your plumbing, tile, and water features? If you haven’t, you really should because in the Dallas Ft. Worth area, our water is extremely hard! Basically, it means it’s loaded with calcium, magnesium, and other hardness minerals that can cause major damage to your swimming pool and filtration equipment!

Maintaining the proper Calcium Hardness (CH) level in your pool is essential to you maintaining excellent water quality and reducing the chances of your water corroding the plumbing in your pool or causing the scale to build up on the surface of your pool. In Dallas, we deal with the later and this is what we will focus on discussing in this blog post!

What is Calcium Hardness?

Calcium Hardness (CH) is the measure of how hard or soft your pool water is, and how much calcium is dissolved in your pool water. Ideally, you should strive to have your CH levels between 200 – 400 parts per million (ppm) which is tough to achieve in our area. If you climb above 400ppm which is extremely common, your water will become too hard which could lead to problems down the road like scaling of your water tile line, interior finish, filtration equipment, salt chlorinators, and decorative water features.

What Happens If Your Water Is Too Hard?

If your water has become too hard, it can result in cloudy pool water and ultimately the harder it gets, the more scaling will occur which can be extremely difficult to look at! Not to mention, extremely expensive to remove!

How Often Should You Test Your Pool Water For Calcium Hardness?

Honestly, this test doesn’t need to occur nearly as much as checking for chlorine, pH, and Total Alkalinity but since we live in an area with high levels of calcium in the water we do recommend checking it at least once every couple of months especially during the summer time.

How Do You Lower Levels of Calcium Hardness?

When it comes to hard water in your swimming pool you have two options. You can either drain your pool and refill it but keep in mind our water is already hard (around 400ppm) or you can choose to recycle it using our Puirpool Reverse Osmosis (RO) mobile filtration which will leave you with much better water than tap and with water that will not only look better but feel better too.

At Weber Pools, we recommend purchasing a good Taylor Technologies drop test for the most accurate results. This test is much better and far more accurate than using test strips. Trust us when we say you will want to pinpoint the level of Calcium Hardness because keeping it low will definitely prolong the lifespan of your investment. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact us today!