Pool Floating

The Dangers of Draining A Swimming Pool

Owning a swimming pool is fun. It can be one of the most enjoyable places to be when the weather is warm and you are looking to relax. However, it isn’t always easy to deal with swimming pools and one of the biggest concerns occurs when it is time to change out the water. In the Dallas area, our water is full of calcium, magnesium, and other hardness minerals which means every couple of years you should change out the water in your swimming pool because as water evaporates, the calcium and other hardness remain in solution and start scaling the tile, the interior finish of the swimming pool and equipment. When this happens or when there is structural damage to the pool it will become necessary to change out the water. This is when a variety of issues can occur which we want to highlight in our latest blog post.

Cracking The Liner

Whenever the temperatures climb above 80 degrees you run the risk of cracking the foundation of the swimming pool. No matter the surface, the heat and lack of moisture on the surface when you drain it can cause it to crack, split or completely breakdown. The only way this can be prevented is doing it at night and constantly wetting the surface of the swimming pool but the risk is still high when you remove the water.

Vinyl Pools

Vinyl pools are extremely common in Dallas and the risk increases with this type of liner. It is even considered the most dangerous to drain. Typically, they weren’t built to hold back the weight of the dirt against it when the pool is drained. When the water is removed, this can cause the walls to collapse and in turn, you will need a new liner which is extremely expensive to replace.

Fiberglass Pools

Another common type of swimming pool in the Dallas area is fiberglass and concrete pools. Any vessel, especially concrete pools and fiberglass pools that are underneath the ground, can float with enough water pressure pushing on it. This happens because of hydrostatic pressure, or water pushing upwards. The vessel literally pops out of the ground.

Our Promise

At Weber Pools, we offer a Reverse Osmosis (RO) mobile filtration that can recycle your swimming pool water without draining it. By doing this, we eliminate any risk of exposing the liner of the swimming pool or changing the level of the water. With that said, we can typically recycle the water in less than a day (for residential swimming pools), you won’t have to worry about cracking the foundation or floating the swimming pool and we promise to leave you with better water than you would get out of your tap. To learn more about this type of filtration and to book your appointment, please contact us today!