Lowering Calcium Hardness Levels In Your Pool

If you own a commercial or residential swimming pool in the Dallas area, you’re going to need to deal with calcium, magnesium, or other hardness minerals in your swimming pool. In the swimming pool industry, this is a measurement of Calcium Hardness (CH) and in our area, it can be measured coming out of the tap at 300 parts per million (ppm) and higher. In the swimming pool industry, your pool is recommended to have between 200 and 400 ppm. With that said, when you fill up your swimming pool with our tap water you are already close to the upper edge of what is recommended, and since this number will rise over time, we feel it is important to discuss what the dangers of high Calcium Hardness levels in your swimming pool!

In the swimming pool industry, pool professionals will recommend a drain and refill every two to three years to prevent excessive levels of calcium, magnesium, and other hardness minerals from scaling your interior finish, tile, and filtration equipment. This scaling occurs because when pool water evaporates, the calcium will remain in solution and gradually build up in concentration. When this happens, calcium will begin to scale your water tile line, decorative water features, the interior finish, your filtration equipment, and your salt chlorinator if you have one. At Weber Pools, we are committed to providing you with not only the best-looking swimming pool but one that also has the superior water quality too! That is why we offer a revolutionary filtration process that not only lowers CH but also gives you the best water quality to swim in!

One of our signature services is The Puripool Process. This is a mobile filtration service that comes to your residential or commercial swimming pool and recycles your pool water onsite using Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtration. RO will lower Calcium Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Cyanuric Acid (CYA), salts, phosphates, nitrates, and waterborne diseases without draining the swimming pool. Not only do we conserve up to 85% of the existing water but we also put superior quality water back in your swimming pool. This will make it easier to manage your swimming pool and if is performed every couple of years it can help with the scaling too. Please note, that since you can drink the water that is going back into the swimming pool we know the water is better than a drain and refill.

Please keep in mind a standard drain and refill will not only waste the water but put moderately hard water back in your swimming pool. By using RO filtration we can easily take your calcium down to 150 ppm which will give you better water quality and water that is softer to swim in. Our RO filtration can be performed on most pools including saltwater. If you should have any questions about this service, please contact us today to learn more!