The Dangers of High Calcium Hardness

The Dangers of High Calcium Hardness

High Calcium Hardness Challenges with Swimming Pools As a residential and commercial swimming pool owner in the Dallas Ft. Worth area, you’re gonna want to familiarize yourself with Calcium Hardness and what challenges it poses to your swimming pool. Overall,...
The Proper Way To Do Weekly Pool Service

The Proper Way To Do Weekly Pool Service

Weekly Pool Service In Dallas Weber Pools Monthly Pool Service covers the Dallas/Fort Worth and Plano areas and includes the cost of service, as well as all of the additional costs that would normally occur as the result of standard pool upkeep (filter...
Swimming Pool Renovations

Swimming Pool Renovations

Swimming Pool Construction With many homeowners staying home a lot are looking out at their backyard and want to make changes. One of the biggest changes is to their swimming pools and Weber Pools can help. Let’s face it, if you enjoy swimming for recreation,...