High Calcium Hardness Challenges with Swimming Pools
As a residential and commercial swimming pool owner in the Dallas Ft. Worth area, you’re gonna want to familiarize yourself with Calcium Hardness and what challenges it poses to your swimming pool. Overall, there is some confusion in the swimming pool industry in regards to how much calcium is necessary for your swimming pool. If you have a new swimming pool having some calcium in the water is vital for the integrity of the interior finish (about 200 parts per million) but many challenges arise when these levels get high and they will in Dallas. Our tap water in the Dallas area is loaded with calcium, magnesium, and other hardness minerals. The levels coming out of the tap is about 300 parts per million (ppm) and recommended levels for a swimming pool are between 200 and 400 ppm. As water evaporates, these levels will rise and that is the purpose of this blog post. We hope you read on to learn more about how to protect the integrity of your pool.
As your swimming pool water evaporates the hardness minerals remain in solution and rise in concentration. As this happens calcium will begin scaling your tile, the interior finish of the pool, filtration equipment, spillway, and decorative water features. When this happens, it isn’t easy to remove, and once it starts it will only increase and become more challenging to remove. This scaling will take life off of your swimming pool, your filtration equipment, and be a nightmare to look at. If the scaling is visible chances are you will need to hire a company to come out and remove it. This can be a costly procedure and that’s why we recommend changing out the water in your swimming pool every two years at a minimum. This can keep Calcium Hardness levels to a minimum, which in turn, can prevent calcium scaling and it will increase the lifespan of your investment.
At Weber Pools, we recommend recycling your swimming pool water using our mobile filtration Puripool Process. It’s a mobile trailer that is equipped with Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtration to lower Calcium Hardness, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Cyanuric Acid (CYA) and so much more to give you the best water quality in your pool. It will conserve up to 85% of the existing water in your swimming pool. You will have no downtime with your swimming pool and if you use this service every two years you will keep calcium levels low but enough to maintain the integrity of your integrity. Your swimming pool water will be more fun to swim in and your filtration equipment will run more efficiently without the high levels of calcium. If you’re interested in learning more as to why this is a service you will want to use, contact us today!