It doesn’t matter what type of pool you have or how often you use it — you should keep it clean. If not for aesthetics or health reasons, then for legal reasons, given that it is covered in the Texas Laws and Rules

In this article, you can learn how to keep the waters crystal clear and the surface even cleaner. And if you need help, you can always resort to calling trusted pool cleaning services in Dallas

3 Simple Cleaning Steps

Keeping your pool clean requires constant work. Worry not; it will only take you a few minutes if you keep up the schedule:

  • Skimming the surface should be part of your daily routine. You will need a net that collects leaves or anything that might have fallen in the water overnight. 
  • You should brush the insides of the pool, including the tiles, once to twice a week. This includes removing any dirt and pool residue. 
  • Finally, use a vacuum on a weekly basis. And if you’re not a fan of manual vacuuming, you might like the robotic cleaners. 

Chemical Use

Using chemistry to maintain the water levels is just as important as having a clean pool. This is why we recommend you test the water weekly. The alkalinity should be between 100 and 150 ppm, while the ideal pH level is 7.5. If these two metrics are out of their limits, make sure to balance the water out.

Sanitizing the environment is the next step, and it should be done weekly. Add 1-3 ppm chlorine, 3-6 ppm bromine, and 30-50 ppm biguanide. Lastly, use chlorine every one to two weeks to shock the pool water.  

These are only the basic chemicals that you should use while maintaining the cleanness of your pool.

checking pH meter of a pool

Ensure Proper Circulation

The brushing, skimming, and the chemicals used are worth nothing if the pool doesn’t have proper water circulation. 

With a pump, the water flows out of the pool and into the filter. Once cleared, the water is returned to the pool. Now, even though this process is automated, you need to pay attention to a couple of things. 

  • First, check and empty the skimmer baskets so they don’t get overfilled. 
  • Next, adjust the return jets. 
  • Then, run the filter and the pump. While they’re on, don’t forget to monitor the filter pressure. 

Another pro tip for you — while the pump is running, look for a dead corner. If the water isn’t circulating at a particular spot, you’ll most likely have to do the work manually. 

Time To Call Your Trusted Pool Cleaning Company in Dallas

Being a pool owner is all fun and games until it’s time to brush the pool inside out. Thankfully, Weber Pools is at your service in Dallas, Texas. Our professional team has over a decade of experience tending to your pool cleaning needs and getting the job done in no time.

If you haven’t attended to your pool in a while or don’t have the time for it, let us do the work. Call us at  214-693-7005 or leave us a message — we’ll be in touch right away!