Top Tips to Prolong the Lifecycle of Your Pool

Top Tips to Prolong the Lifecycle of Your Pool

If you’re a pool owner, you know the volume of work that goes into maintaining a pool in pristine condition. From performing regular cleaning sessions to shock treatments, keeping your pool safe and clean is the number 1 priority for every pool owner, no matter the...
What Is a Freeform Pool?

What Is a Freeform Pool?

t can get scorching in Dallas, with average temperatures of 88ºF to 96ºF from June to September. You could be at risk of heat exhaustion or even heatstroke if you don’t take measures to cool down. You may find it difficult to stay physically active. In that case, you...
How Does a Saltwater Pool Work?

How Does a Saltwater Pool Work?

Chlorine keeps your pool sanitized. However, over-exposure to it can irritate the skin, trigger rashes, cause itchy, burning eyes, and worsen bronchial problems like asthma. Fortunately, there are alternatives to regular chlorine. Among them, saltwater pools are...
How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Pool

How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Pool

Homeowners considering owning a swimming pool should first learn how to extend and maintain its longevity. Having a pool is an investment, so taking the time and effort for care and maintenance is the best way to see it last for a while. All of the 220,000+ pools in...