by Ken Scheer | Mar 24, 2023 | Blog
One of the most important reasons for maintaining your pool is to keep the chemical components of the water properly balanced. Sounds like too much chemistry? Yes, sure! But if you don’t keep your chemical components balanced, the pool can suffer corrosion and even...
by Ken Scheer | Mar 18, 2023 | Blog
Believe it or not, around 15% of all Americans have a pool in their backyards. However, not all residential pools are the same; there are five main residential pool types: above-ground pools, in-ground pools, infinity pools, lap pools, and swim spas. With that, the...
by Ken Scheer | Mar 10, 2023 | Blog
All types of pool cleaning services are available on the US market. From UV water treatment and all-out cleanout to stain removal and clearing plumbage blockages – you can get any service you want! However, each cleaning service has inherent costs, and you must...
by Ken Scheer | Mar 4, 2023 | Blog
Currently, there are more than 10 million pools across the United States. However, pool cleaning has been causing headaches to homeowners since day one. That’s why homeowners try to find ways to clean their pools and prepare them for another adventure. For that, there...